
Chawn BraceyFear is the number one enemy of dream chasers. We all strive to be successful and do great things in life. Not all of us make it happen, what is stopping everyone from making progress every day? After asking over 200 random people over the course of the week at various locations Library, Wal-Mart, School etc... I came up with one clear cut winner… FEAR! (Procrastination came at number 2) We can have a certain goal or dream in mind but that fear of failure can keep us from ever even attempting to try to make it happen. Failure is one of the first steps to success if you ask me. What is a dream without the COURAGE to follow through? NOTHING AT ALL!!!! It takes a courageous person to transform a dream to a goal to reality. A scared chaser (Made up word) will look at themselves a few years down the line as they are in the same boat they were when they first thought about it saying "Would of could of should of but didn't" DONT BE THAT PERSON!  The mind is so powerful that can either help you tremendously or be detrimental to your success. Conquer your fears conquer yourself… Get up get out and make it happen!

At this point in my life I have seen many failures and I am sure I will see many more when it is all said and done. I believe that it is natural to have a little fear when trying something new and challenging. Fear motivates me and pushes me to get better every day. My biggest fear is becoming just another statistic, my life will leave a lasting impact on any and every one I come in contact with. How can that happen if I don't stand up and make a change for a positive cause? It won't! We only get one chance at life no do overs no rewinds! The time is ticking we have to make the most of our opportunities and not be scared to capitalize on them or create opportunities of our own. Face your fears or you will be conquered by them!
