Hiring Hints


Racing Toward Diversity Magazine 


Magnet attracting peopleThree Tips to Attract the Best Candidates in 2014  

Job seeker activity on Racing Toward Diversity Magazine has become more active in January as the holidays pass and New Year's Resolutions kick in. Here are the top 3 ways to ensure the strong candidates, including passive job seekers, seek out your organization this year.

1.    Focus job descriptions so they clearly, concisely describe responsibilities.

2.    Include strengths of your organization, growth opportunities and workplace benefits in your job postings.

3.    Ensure your website conveys your vision and gets potential job seekers excited about the idea of working for you.

Post jobs on Racing Toward Diversity Magazine as this site is trafficked by the most qualified job seekers. Post today or speak with an expert to help fill your specific recruiting needs.


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Racing Toward Diversity Magazine, PO Box 2121, Cary, NC 27512


