Expanding Capacity

Growing Your Own Nautilus Shell 

by guest writer  Edwina Shannon
@Dogbones Music
artist promotion 

In this global marketplace, in this ever changing world, where do you envision your impact?

Did you ever want to do something but it just won’t come together? It could be a personal or a professional goal that is elusive and evading. An inability to accomplish this goal may just be that it is beyond your current capacity.

 Think of your capacities as an outward circular path where the previous accomplishment is as important as the current place as both prepare you for the future. It’s a logical sequencing of growth, like a nautilus shell, ever-expanding. 

Rather than be irritated, depressed or frustrated by the “beyond your current capacity“ statement, follow “The Achieve SystemTM” by Mark Cunningham where recognizing your current limitations is the start to expanding them. I recently partook in the series. 

Its premise is to increase our individual capabilities by critically assessing our own limits. The first step is an open and fair evaluation of one’s attitude and expectations.  Are they where you want your attitudes and expectations to be? If not, what would you want different? 

Ask yourself open ended questions that help you assess your current capacity. Who do you currently know? What do you currently know? What are your skills? What about your influence?  If your current capacities were in a circle, where would you be standing in that circle? Those standing on the edge would be pushing the expansion of their circle thus expanding their capabilities. 

In your current circle, where would you make adjustments? What abilities or skills do you need to strengthen to expand your capabilities? To achieve new goals, we need to push the limits of our own capabilities, expanding our circle. 

As you make the adjustments, the dynamics change and each changed dynamic expands your capabilities… your own ever expanding nautilus shell. Like the shell, it takes time to build but each action is an adjustment. Each adjustment will help you to achieve your goal and accomplish your place in the world.

