8 great diversity quotes from Racing Toward Diversity magazine

1) "Role models! What color are they? They come in all shapes, sizes - be selective & find a few outside your comfort zone."

2) "Excellence! What color is it? Comes in all shapes, sizes - seek those who strive for it - you have more in common than you think."

3) "Fairness! What color is it? Comes in all shapes, sizes-seek those who are fair minded - you have more in common than you think."

4) "Thought leaders!! What color are they? They come in all shapes, sizes, colors - you have more in common than you think." 

5) "Entrepreneurs! What color are they? They come in all shapes, sizes, colors - encourage those who want to change the game."

6) "Honesty! What color is it? Comes in all shapes,colors - seek those who deal honestly - you have more in common than you think."

7) "Mentors! What color are they? Come in all sizes, colors - seek out those who want to help - more in common than you think."

8) "What color is a great idea? Many come from unexpected people & places - Be part of the inspirational force, who helps bring it to life."


